fredag 17. desember 2010
I will do myself this Favor and let me taste love's flavor,
I will not stop this streaming of my perfect Dreaming,
I will enter every room with my love light,
Nothing in myself I will Prohibit or inhibit,
No darkness will I ever fight or fear,
just transform it and make it disappear and reappear,
as love-energy,
here, there and everywhere,
recreating ME
from my only truth to be,
And not to be,
Anything more or less,
Than pure Love` in this life game called chess.
It’s never checkmate, because I know my fate,
Only from love; I am created,
With everyone in the univese i am related,
I choose my` destination,
And when death comes,
I would gladly take it as a beautiful vacation.
And when I live again,
I become you` my friend.
So if you Unlock and Reconstruct your mind,
with love`s software installation,
And connecting it to the source of life in your
beautiful star-heart constellation,
Without any reduction or interruption,
in total focus of life's forever expanding
and magnificent construction,
Then! You will not be facing the wall,
You will stand on top of it all,
Waiting for your soul's next call,
To show you the big picture,
So you will be stronger,
Live forever and a little bit longer,
and never again any negative hunger,
Try to live and not die, equals dying,
to be is to see, that you are Love, life, Living and giving,
constantly flying in your own flowering,
in the speed of light's expanding speed's you grow,
and sometimes just be, in the flow of your own, delightful peaceful hovering.
søndag 5. desember 2010
Der på din vei, til fullkommen lykke
Jeg hører deg rope lengre nede ett stykke,
På livets hemmelige dør du banker,
slår, skriker og river opp gulv og planker,
du strever med onde og grusomme tanker,
du skaper problemer som du sår og sanker,
Men her min venn, kan du se bak disse ord?
Ser du magien?
Hører du melodien?
Føler du harmonien,fra kjærlighets symfonien?
Kan du høre ditt hjerte tromme i takt?
Din puls blir som myke regnbue-bølger mot verden i all sin prakt,
Din godhet vil kjennes som varme vinder,
Dine fiender er ikke lengre ett hinder,
men en mulighet,
de blir engleskarer av kjærlighet,
din identitet, din intensitet,
ordet sorry eller jeg beklager, vil du ikke lengre
trenge å høre, for av alt du nå vet så er det DET`
som kalles kjærlighet.
Seek and you shall find;
that the secret in your mind is not a secret you can find.
You are always more and never poor,
you are YOU, when you choose to be,
Before you where blind, but now you can see,
There is nothing that you have to find,
or something you have to be,
Everything is in your hearts mind,
You, are your own answer to every secret mysterious call, accept it all!
even when you fall and things you can not define,
You are never ever far from yourself, because you ARE,
Always far from being weak,
You are` LOVE, perfectly magnificent, MAJESTIC and unique.
lørdag 4. desember 2010
Your developing love circulation,
will keep you in a perfect rotation,
negative Invasion, can not start without your invitation,
You will, even through all frustration and desperation,
be the world’s strongest LOVE creation,
no more secret combinations,
no more poor dishonesty relations,
In your highest positive energy,
you are connected and protected,
and you will, because you are, forever be,
respected, and now injected,
with loves remembering shot,
burning through all of your veins so hot,
your hole system will be burning,
no flame, no game,
As your love flame, you will be, returning
lørdag 30. oktober 2010
No need to cry, only sing,
Our consciousness are rising,
In our conCHESSness,
in our game we are rising
to another level of awareness,
to be in joy and play in the fields of love
as children`s of the Divine source,
our divine source,
riding on our divine ascension horse,
look no hands,
I am riding right now in this moment of joy,
in this dance of letting go, yes I take my chance,
I close my eyes and I release,
I feel the wind in my face, this gentle breeze,
with my arms wide open, I feel so naked,
in this perfect moment I am letting go,
fredag 15. oktober 2010
First landing is the opening and expanding
of the unconditional love-SHIP in our heart.
First contact is to allow contact with our true self in honesty.
To let go and be floating around in this Unconditional love-ship,
floating in this constant flowering and forever expanding beautiful relation-SHIP.
søndag 10. oktober 2010
In this hour of unlimited power,
I can see my fear in the mirror right here;
getting ALLLL of the love-shower,
the love-shower of transformation,
the love-shower that transforms the nation,
transforming into 1 nation, 1 heart relation,
transforming arms into wings,
boundless joy and happiness for all it brings,
So I dedicate this day 10.10.10 to every1,
I Just wanna say tHAAANK you to every1,
I appreciate every single bit of all I have been given,
in every way it has been given to me
and all that is in the process of been given to me,
tHAAANK you, tHAAANKY you, tHAAANK you and
torsdag 7. oktober 2010
know the truth and the truth shall set you free,
that is our knowing,
no wing becomes wings,
in this moment of truth we fly,
cause we see,
that we are the ones we have been waiting for,
We are the pure flow of nature,
we are the divINe (inner) energy of love, for sure,
we are brilliANTS working together.
Trough every storm and heavy weather,
we only strengthen our angel feather.
we are the AsZENsiON mas-there, here and everywhere,
when we unlock our inner blocking,
or should i say un-blocKING,
we are freaking (a free KING) in our truth speaKING,
we are Kings and Queens,
we are God and Godess,
Love is who we are and
the whole univers is our inner personALL address.
mandag 4. oktober 2010
Eldar`s nye kosthold, Eldar`s new diet
høyde 178cm, 84,6kg.
Nytt kosthold.
Periode: resten av mitt liv ;-)
1.spise mer sunt og riktig.
2.Spise 5 ganger om dagen.
3.Drikke mye vann, ca 3 liter om dagen.
4.Holde seg i aktivitet. Trene eller mosjonere.
Eksempel en dag:
1.Frokost :
2 fiber tabletter og vitaminer, kosttilskudd (møller total)
1-2 store glass vann,
3 knekkebrød med mager ost.
Pyntet med agurkskiver, gressløk og litt krydder.
Ser bedre ut og frisker opp smaken.
en liten yogurt (125g).
knekkebrød: 10-12 om dagen for menn 8-10 for kvinner
Brød: 6 skiver om dagen på menn og 4 for kvinner
Vann:2-3 liter om dagen
grønsaker:ca 750g med grønnsaker hver dag, Fordel det som du vil.
som frokost med litt variasjoner av pålegg, brød, knekkebrød, grønnsaker, frukt..osv
som frokost med litt variasjoner av pålegg, brød, knekkebrød, grønnsaker, frukt..osv
kyllingfilet (100-200g for både kvinner og menn)
og ris (100g kvinner og 150g menn) og salat,
man skal ha ca 750g med grønnsaker hver dag, Fordel det som du vil.
som frokost med litt variasjoner av pålegg, brød, knekkebrød, grønnsaker..osv
Noen ord fra meg:
Å spise mer sunt, lettere, mye vann og 5 ganger om dagen gir meg mer energi og balanse med meg selv. Jeg setter mer pris på maten fordi jeg ikke spiser hele tiden eller går til kjøkkenet eller i skuffer og skap for å finne noe jeg kan putte i munnen.
Alt blir mer ballansert og i kjærlighet. Jeg ser mer fram til å spise og er mer takknemlig for maten.
takknemlighet er vår holdnings hemmelighet,
med sunnere mat og drikke,
er humøret på topp og man vil sjelden klikke;-)
New diet.
Period: rest of my life;-)
1.lighter diet, more healthy diet,
2.eating 5 times a day.
3.Drinking much water.
example for 1 day:
2 fiber tablets and supplements (Møller total)
1-2 big glasses of water.
3 crackers with lean cheese.
Garnished with cucumber slices, chives and some seasoning.
It is looking better and brighten up the flavor.
a little yogurt (125g)
Crispbread: 10-12 a day for men, 8-10 for women
Bread: 6 slices day for men and 4 women
Water :2-3 liters a day
vegetables: about 750g of vegetables every day, Distribute it as you want.
as breakfast with some variations of toppings, bread, crackers, vegetables, fruits, etc...
as breakfast with some variations of toppings, bread, crackers, vegetables, fruits, etc...
Fiber tablets, 1-2 large glasses of water,
chicken fillets (100-200g for both women and men)
and rice (100g 150g women and men) and lettuce,
you should have about 750g of vegetables every day, Distribute it as you want.
as breakfast with some variations of toppings, bread, crackers, vegetables, fruits, etc...
Some words from me:
Eating more healthy, lighter, much water and 5 times a day gives me more energy, balance and appreciating of the food.
Everything is more in love-balance, because I do not eat all the time or
go to the kitchen or in drawers and cupboards to find something I can put in my mouth.
I appreciat every moment i eat much more.
gratitude is the attitude.
With a healthy diet, i am more in balance.
With healthy food i and not so rude ;-)
1 week: 82,6kg (182,1 pund) ned 2,0 kg (down 4,4 pund)
2 week: 81,6kg (179,8 pund) ned 1,0 kg (down 2,2 pund)
3 week: 80,3kg (177,0 pund) ned 1,3 kg (down 2,8 pund)
4 week: 79,6kg (175,5 pund) ned 0,7 kg (down 1,5 pund)
5 week: 79,1kg (174,4 pund) ned 0,5 kg (down 1,1 pund)
6 week: 78,1kg (172,4 pund) ned 1,0 kg (down 2,2 pund)
7 week: 77,2kg (170,2 pund) ned 0,9 kg (down 1,9 pund)
8 week: 77,2kg (170,2 pund) ned 0,0 kg (down 0,0 pund)
9 week: 76,6kg (168,8 pund) ned 0,7 kg (down 1,5 pund)
10 week: 75,6kg (166,6 pund) ned 1,0 kg (down 2,2 pund)
After 10 weeks down 9 kg (19,8 pund)
11 week: 74,7kg (164,6 pund)ned 0,9 kg (down 1,9 pund)
12 week: 74,7kg (164,6 pund)ned 0,9 kg (down 1,9 pund)
13 week: 74,7kg (164,6 pund)ned 0,0 kg (down 0,0 pund)
14 week: 74,0kg (163,1 pund)ned 0,7 kg (down 1,5 pund)
16 week: 74,7 kg (164,6 pund)opp 0,4 kg (up 0,8 pund)
17 week: 74,7 kg (164,6 pund)opp 0,0 kg (up 0.0 pund)
søndag 26. september 2010
If you open up and know everything behind the door,
Don't try, try, try, just fly, fly, fly, love and forever explore the heart and you will see,
What's inside of you and me, what's mend to be or not,
You can’t drink all the wisdom in one shot.
You can’t lose, you can't win,
what is out? What is in?
Not living within is living without,
If you are nowhere, then you are actually now here,
Believe it or not, this is your wisdom and this is your shot.
Raise your soul-drink; give the whole world a wink ;-)
Drink it, don’t think it,
Just taste your own happiest tears,
for than the golden key of eternity appears,
To give you direction,
to, in and Through
A perfect mirror-door of your own reflection.
mandag 20. september 2010
I AM the peaceful paradis,
I AM the 1ness of my turning dice,
I AM pure bliss, the healer of disaster,
the transformer of my inner quiz-master,
I AM the truth in being me,
IN BEING FREE, i dont neèd to go faster,
no more searching, I AM life`s...urging,
I can heeeear the oooocean sing,
I AM sailing in the divine flow of my inner peaceful sea now
onsdag 8. september 2010
be thankful for your ego,
nEGOtiate with your ego,
honor it for what it has done,
make a deal with it, my son,
make a business proposal,
work with it, not against it,
cause what you resist will persist,
invite your ego and higher mind,
to a business meeting sooo divine,
Listen to your ego,
congratulate it for not being weak,
but also let your higher mind speak,
when we work together with our ego,
w..ego together,
so negotiate and participate,
in your divine meeting of your eternal fate,
make a deal for real with your ego,
give it wings of gold and it will become an eagle.
søndag 5. september 2010
3 little birds landed on my door-step,
they sat there for awhile, then they fly away into the sky,
3 little birds, the symbol of my inner words,
my inner “birden” has been lifted,
I am free to fly and flow wherever my 3 little birds wanna go,
these 3 little birds are magic fairy's ,
they give me magical drinks and raspberry's,
they give me magic cold drinks and less worry's,
my worry's, my inner burden can also fly,
so i will open my cage now and release,
so i say now to my inner burden; I love you,
fly now and increase in love if you please,
fly now, cause you are free, heaven is right here cant you see?
the final frontier, the final front there, is here,
it's you and it is the 1ness of you everywhere.
onsdag 25. august 2010
Love is calling, Can you hear?
its your inner Magic,
its magical,
its your inner magic-call,
Love is calling,
Love is the magic phone,
Love is the magic ph1,
The primary heavenly 1ness call,
Your waiting is almost over my dear,
answer your call and face your fear,
your magic call is to see all,
to see the magical 1ness in all.
Love just called to say
(((I LOVE YOU)))
tirsdag 24. august 2010
My spirit ignites from the sparks of friction from
my soul's inner connection to the wheel of source energy :-)
I AM the moonlight-Lighter,
I AM the moonlight shining
in the darkest places and in
every rainbow fighter,
In this everlasting moment, I will be,
cause I am your monument
“moon you mend”
I AM the moon you mend to be,
I will no longer make you forget or regret,
I will make you see the reflection of you in me,
I will shine in the dark and ignite your inner spark,
in this moonlight feeling,
my divine shine goes trough your sealing,
cause I AAAM your inner moonlight healing.
mandag 23. august 2010
When you open your heart you are creating heavenly art,
all your thinking goes beyond smart,
All your drinking becomes divine art,
The Divine drink "THY WINE" drink of source mind,
The true creators drink, the magical potion, the souls healing ocean,
an everlasting devotion to your inner expanding motion,
If you drink this nectar, from your star-seed-reactor,
you will see and be loves highest frequency,
a worldwide flowering flowing flower,
an everlasting healing projector,
Only one magic drop and time will stop,
if you drink some more of this,
you will forever be in heavenly bliss.
lørdag 21. august 2010
Before I was blind but now I can see,
that i am no longer a freak when i see,
just raising my frequency,
just racing IN my frequency,
racing in the speed of light,
my consciousness is expanding beyond wrong or right,
I have taken back my power of life,
I AM in control of my life,
I AM in control of my temple of love,
I AM the temple of love,
In my inner beauty discovering,
I AM in constant divine change and in my peaceful hovering,
As a peaceful example, I AM expanding my temple,
my consciousness is becoming higher not less,
cause I AM my own inner-beauty-expanding-Goddess.
torsdag 19. august 2010
Forever discover and uncover
However! Whenever! Take a soul shower,
Do you have any suspicion?
That your life is not in the first Division?
Will your own confession?
bring clarity to your life's session?
Open your attention,
From a heavenly dimension,
in your highest form of love,
Within you, not from above.
Can you hear?
From deep in your ear?
A sound system, with all surround so clear?
Do you choose to be or not to be?
Can you see? On your big screen TV?
Your life as a happy never ending love story?
Is your heart connected?
To your brains hard drive,
and anti- worldwide virus protected?
Is all your hard drive and love drive updated and corrected?
Then you only need to restart system and start living the movie of your life that YOU selected.
deep inside of you are the key,
you will remember it and you will be;
pure love that smells so heavenly,
no fear or pain, no more abundance of illusions,
no more pollution or confusions,
If you stop worry, death will not hurry,
its not about trying or dying, cause you will always be;
and sometimes see; a lovely angel of clarity,
it’s all about pure love,
its all about your rainbow of glory,
you can’t stop the rain from falling,
but you can become the rainbow when your soul is calling,
falling in love with everyone and everything
This is heaven on earths engagement ring
This is heaven within you and me and never without,
only shining forever and being the light,
being joy and happiness,
being the answer to everything in your simple tenderness,
just smile, feel and be you because you are me,
pure love without any more illusions to see.
onsdag 18. august 2010
In a bright light, a great fight,
Or just a big illusion?
In this worlds Pollution!
This is my conclusion,
An endless temptation of world domination,
A hunger for more war-inspiration,
A world in hate and Desperation,
Occupation not faith,
Only one solution can stop this world’s confusion,
To resolve this nation's equation,
A perfect conclusion,
(((((LOVE FUSION!!!)))))
So divorce yourself from old ideas,
Develop your pleasure in heavenly peace,
Demolition and domination,
It not the frequency of
your higest most positive heart relation,
be because you are this perfect evolution,
be because you are this brightly shining star,
be your freedom
be your light,
be Love-fusion, the healer of pollution,
be forever expanding in this divine evolution in zero commanding,
forever flying,
never landing,
forever in love's understanding,
So forever let go and let Love-fusion flow,
be your bliss, your inner beauty now.
fredag 13. august 2010
the time is perfect now,
i see,
the time is right for you and me,
i am the knight and you are my shining armor,
i am time and you are me,
my future angel that i see,
so pure in all your honesty,
to be me or not to be me,
you choose to be in all to see, the most important part of me,
because, in all this simpel beauty you are flying, you are me,
no more crying you are free:-)
søndag 1. august 2010
in this we trust, in this divine shining goldstar that we are,
and right now, to BE this new and clear star, that we are,
this nu(clear) reaction of love,
this nu(clear) ear-sound that you hear?
This is the LOVE-SOUND that we are,
The starseed explosion in the deepest darkest dimension of your soul going (((BLOOOOOOMING)))
We are the new clear reaction of love going (((BLOOOOMING EVERYWHERE)))
We are the sunburst of LOOOVE....WE..HAVE..NO..FEAR
onsdag 14. juli 2010
AAAAALL my love is never ending,
a never ending story, a never ending glory,
I AM sending all my love and endless healing,
I AM sending all my never ending posetive feeling,
I AM sending all my greatness, cause I AM THE GREAT I AM,
the transformer of darkness,
the informer of tenderness,
the healer of every animal,
I AM LIFE....... Information itself,
the master of making fear disappear,
and reappear as pure love-energy,
flowering like a flow-heeeere theeeere and eveeeeerywhere,
I AM SENDING my lovedrink to Mother earth and to every living thing,
making aaaall the animals sing,
with strawberries piece`s of my heart,
with this lovedrink of healing, nothing can fall apart,
I AM THE WIND OF CHANGE, blowing away all sickness, stones and dirt,
inside is a DIAMOND that can not get hurt,
I AM SENDING this wind of healing and also to emerges
from within ALL and every LIVING THING,
a total feeling of complete JOY AND HEALING,
a total feeling of this happy bliss, that we can not miss:-)