søndag 26. september 2010

The point of living

The point of living, will be no more,
If you open up and know everything behind the door,
Don't try, try, try, just fly, fly, fly, love and forever explore the heart and you will see,
What's inside of you and me, what's mend to be or not,
You can’t drink all the wisdom in one shot.
You can’t lose, you can't win,
what is out? What is in?
Not living within is living without,
If you are nowhere, then you are actually now here,
Believe it or not, this is your wisdom and this is your shot.

So Cheers! My friend, cheers!
Raise your soul-drink; give the whole world a wink ;-)
Drink it, don’t think it,
Just taste your own happiest tears,
for than the golden key of eternity appears,
To give you direction,
to, in and Through
A perfect mirror-door of your own reflection.

mandag 20. september 2010


I AM the peaceful paradis,
I AM the 1ness of my turning dice,
I AM pure bliss, the healer of disaster,

the transformer of my inner quiz-master,

I AM the truth in being me,

IN BEING FREE, i dont neèd to go faster,
no more searching, I AM life`s...urging,

I can heeeear the oooocean sing,
I AM sailing in the divine flow of my inner peaceful sea now

onsdag 8. september 2010


Love your ego,
be thankful for your ego,
nEGOtiate with your ego,

honor it for what it has done,
make a deal with it, my son,

make a business proposal,
work with it, not against it,
cause what you resist will persist,

invite your ego and higher mind,
to a business meeting sooo divine,
Listen to your ego,
congratulate it for not being weak,
but also let your higher mind speak,
when we work together with our ego,
w..ego together,

so negotiate and participate,
in your divine meeting of your eternal fate,

make a deal for real with your ego,
give it wings of gold and it will become an eagle.

mandag 6. september 2010


When you see trough the devastation,
you see the deva-station,
a angel at your station,

that angel is you, boarding the train to your endless vacation,

you are boarding the high speed love-train,
destination: 1 love, 1 nation.


søndag 5. september 2010


3 little birds landed on my door-step,
they sat there for awhile, then they fly away into the sky,

3 little birds, the symbol of my inner words,
my inner “birden” has been lifted,
I am free to fly and flow wherever my 3 little birds wanna go,

these 3 little birds are magic fairy's ,
they give me magical drinks and raspberry's,
they give me magic cold drinks and less worry's,

my worry's, my inner burden can also fly,
so i will open my cage now and release,

so i say now to my inner burden; I love you,
fly now and increase in love if you please,
fly now, cause you are free, heaven is right here cant you see?

the final frontier, the final front there, is here,
it's you and it is the 1ness of you everywhere.