The time is right now, the time is you,
Follow is hollow, so be, your hearts frequency,
Take my words and what resonates and leave the rest.
These helping words are from me to me.....and they help me.....
In my humble opinion maybe some of these words can be helping words/ advice to others......... I love you all..
Stay not outside and look at your fear and worries, go within them and feel them all around you and inside you.
Feel that hate, feel the anger,FEEL THIS ILLUSION THAT YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE ...and let it out, write it down and send a mail or talk to the person you need to. SEE that hate or the negative feeling you have and go through it. Do not stay in it. Go through it and see behind it....(((SEEEEE))) ....Can you see it? Can you see love behind everything? Can you? THEN BE LOVE, AND BE BLISS, CAUSE LOVE IS LOVE AND ALL THERE IS:-)
Think like this for a moment:
Look one more time at your worst enemy or the one you cant stand at work. Or the person who brings you down and makes you more angry than anyone. Could be family or others. A step-dad or stepmother, father, son, brother, mother or someone that have done something bad to you. Someone that has done unforgivable things. Some one that you cant love, but you can love every1 else but not this person. THIS PERSON is the 1 you need to love, cause this person is also you and a very important part of you. I am not saying you need to live or be with this person or stay in the presence of the negativity that this person gives you. The important thing is to let it out from your heart. Its not important for you how this other person think, feel or act after you have told your story in your honesty and told everything you have inside your heart. Maybe you will be best friends or not. If the other person forgives you or not, that is this other persons road. What he/her choose to forgive or not is not up to you to wait for or something you need to have before you move on. So open your heart and let it out and move forward. Change is the only constant.
This person that is unforgivable and that you can not ever, ever love. You made a deal with this person before you came here. You made a very important deal with this person to hurt you badly or in some way that you almost would not see or recognize the love behind it. But this person is your best friend over there. Can you see it now? Can you see behind everything now? Can you see the illusion of your fear that hurt you my dear? CAN YOU SEE LOVE? CAN YOU SEE LOVE? CAN YOU SEE LOVE?
If love is all there is and we believe that? IF WE REALY BELIEVE THAT? Then, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?
I will tell you what the problem is. It is the illusion of your sorrow, that hurt you today and every day and the day after today and the day after tomorrow. It is an everlasting illusion
that tells you nothing is going to be ok.......but.....Its not the situation that is the problem, its your state of being. Being in love or not. LOVE IS ALL THERE IS.
So being in love or not??
Actually is not possible to not be in love, but before we see that LOVE IS ALLL THERE IS, we feel disconnected from love, but it is just an illusion.
We don`t have to be ill...illusion....Ill(us)ion (for eons of times)...we can turn our illusi..on or off....
I choose to turn my illusion off....i make it "off"icial right now ;-)
WHO am I to judge others?
Who am I to say that someone is right or wrong? Or tell them what to do?
If someone is in kinder-garden and another is in high school, Well, both of them are were they need to be. None of them are more right than thee other.
Love is the acceptance of everything.
You can respect and love everyone deeply for who they are, but you do not need to stay in the presence of negativity. Everyone is just in the perfect place they need to be. Just different state of awareness. So the best way is to respect everyone for who they are and the road they are on, because they are also an important part of us and of everything.
If we hate them, we hate our self. If we say they are on the wrong road, then we are saying the same thing to our self, cause we are also 1 with them on some level.
Sometimes we can guide them if they are open and show them the door, we can be the door:-) But we cant go through it for them. We can only be the change we wanna see in others:-)
So...if we are the door of change that we wanne see in others and someone desides to walk Through this door. Then they WILL become 1 with us:-) and remembering who they are.
We are 1, we are love.
Life has nothing to do with being "nice",
but everything to do with recognize,
as to remembering who you are.
Sometimes i can guide, but i can't make anyone to heaven glide,
We have all our own crystal elevator,
with a purple-pure love Consciousness's generator-activator,
Can you see it now? can you feel it now?
Can you see trough the illusion?
Can you feel only Love and no more confusion?
Then be love, be your bliss,
cause Love is love and all there is :-)
Be the wind of change:-)
How can you embrace darkness with your light and change it,
if you say it is not apart of you?
How can you change it? if it is somewhere else and not connected to you?
You have to be what you wanna change, you see?
So be, IN FORM OF SEE all the darkness and the hate that you THINK THAT YOU ARE,
THIS ILLUSION, feel it in every cell of your body and now, NOW,
BE THE GREAT I AM THAT YOU ARE, the transformer of darkness
Be the wind of change without demolition and domination,
be what you are, be the truth of every relation.
Be the wind of change in constantly love-circulation.
It is time to open up all and release everything.
Forgive yourself and others and LET GO....LET GO.....LET GO....
We are the great so the challange is less:-)
we observe the negative but we never focuse on it.
I love your all so much. Thanks for bringing me back to myself.
I see all this things in the world and i see that my ego is the thing that must be zero. I can realy see myself in the mirro.
I see the love when someone hits me even greater now than i ever have.
This is just the way it is.......when someone is doing bad things to us, its also a wake up call.
It`s like they say: I love you so much that i hit you i every way i can, so you can rise again and again and again....i hit you so you can rise again and stand up for yourself and say: I AM THE GREAT I AM, I AM LOVE......our ego is like dirt and stones stuck to us...but we need this ego also and we will love our ego in this wind of change, this love storm so all the dirt and stones fall of and gets powdered, vaporized and transformed into love....inside is a diamond...that is pure love.They can only hurt the dirt, our ego, not the love that we are.
Love your ego,
be thankful for your ego,
nEGOtiate with your ego,
honer it for what it has done,
make a deal with it, my son,
make a business proposal,
work with it, not against it,
cause what you resist will persist,
invite your ego and higher mind,
to a business meeting sooo divine,
Listen to your ego,
congratulate it for not being weak,
but also let your higher mind speak,
when we work together with our ego,
w..ego together,
so negotiate and participate,
in your divine meeting of your eternal fate,
make a deal for real with your ego,
give it wings of gold and it will become an eagle.
Many diamonds are shining more and more:-) brightly.
Our ego needs to be feed love until it pukes up all negativity and transforms into love:-)
We need to get down to zero, so humble and in peace. Cause when we stay in zero we increase.
We are the strongest of the strong and we have always been. We are this love in the air, we are this wind.... its just our ego that needs to burn in the transformation of love, in the flame of love, so the diamond star can shining again without all the dirt and stone bag(age) we are carrying.
We are 1, we are free now. So no matter what happens around us, everything is going to be just fine, its never hard, only for the ego and things we need to burn up and change/transform.
If we are the master of limitation her in 3d...then we are also the master of the universe and unlimitation :-)
We are in the middel of our own illusions, but our pure love sees through everything,
so be in love:-) and i know we are, so thank you all so much for being love. :-)
thank you all so much for being a star:-)
I love you all so deeply.
So now, if you please, make a complete release
and the divine will forever shine.
Loves infinity is your star seed divinity.
♥ & ☼ 2 all
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