onsdag 14. juli 2010

Straight from my heart

AAAAALL my love I AM sending,
AAAAALL my love is never ending,
a never ending story, a never ending glory,

I AM sending all my love and endless healing,
I AM sending all my never ending posetive feeling,
I AM sending all my greatness, cause I AM THE GREAT I AM,

the transformer of darkness,
the informer of tenderness,
the healer of every animal,
....... Information itself,
the master of making fear disappear,

and reappear as pure love-energy,
flowering like a flow-heeeere theeeere and eveeeeerywhere,

I AM SENDING my lovedrink to Mother earth and to every living thing,
making aaaall the animals sing,

with strawberries piece`s of my heart,
with this lovedrink of healing, nothing can fall apart,

I AM THE WIND OF CHANGE, blowing away all sickness, stones and dirt,
inside is a DIAMOND that can not get hurt,

I AM SENDING this wind of healing and also to emerges
from within ALL and every LIVING THING,
a total feeling of complete JOY AND HEALING,
a total feeling of this happy bliss, that we can not miss:-)



negativity is not a fool, it is a tool,
it is like a flashlight with a dim light,
we take our old battery, our old belife and ideas and what we think is right,
and we constantly change the battery and rise in the divine frequency of love and light,
we rise in the glory of the GREAT I AM TO BE,
pure unconditional-never-ending-energy,
when our love turns on, the off button is gone,

we are the battery of pure love energy,
we step into into the darkest place, going face to face,
with our fear of fears, turning sadness into heavenly tears,

we step into the dark with our starseed spark,
we step in to shine, through illusion mind,
we power up, we never stop,
our glowing never stops growing, we only gro(wings)

In our light we don`t blend we don`t defend,
through all the world, our love and light we send.

tirsdag 13. juli 2010


Can you feel the power in these lightning hour,
can you feel the divine line?
going through your chakras?
going through your spine?

struck by lightning, struck by the color of a dove,
struck by the color of heaven above,
struck by the purple flame of transformation,
forever to grow and know all language without translation,

struck with tenderness not distraction,
by your starseed angel in a lightning ref

you are struck with nothing more or less,
than all the love that heaven posess,
in a brightly never ending light-show-perfection.

søndag 11. juli 2010


No irritation is a good relation.

You may think you are full awake,
but it is always another level for you to travel,

So, may you travel in love and in strength
may you travel in the strength of honesty and break,
but only for the best,
your pure diamond core heals your broken chest,

In honestly you climb heavens ladder,
pure love is in that air with angel feather

tirsdag 6. juli 2010


I walked in the rain of fear and in the pain of sorrow,
I walked in the confusion of all these days that comes tomorrow,
these days of thunder and destruction,
I walked in this hopelessness
and in end of all tenderness,
I walked completely into these illusions,

and I could only see ((doom)),


I became all illusions and i saw everything vanish,
in just a flash, even my` flesh, all was gone,
only pure love remained and it was me,

I was this love, I AM THIS LOVE,
I AM the flower-mea(doves) of freedom,
I AM the flower of life, I see no doom,
I AM the flow-here there and everywhere

I fly, touch and change the world,

no one in this earthly 3d frame,

can stay the same,
when touched by love,
you will play a different game.