mandag 28. juni 2010

choo..choo.......choose your destination
or desti1nation,

Its a fine evening time, its divine,
its time to go with your inner love-trains flow ;-)
the time is right now, so go,
flow and return here, now and everywhere in 1 piece in peace,
so now, if you please, let your inner love-train increase,
leave your heavy bag-age and release,
release the negative wagon, leave that dragon,

even in this pouring rain, your love-train feels no pain,
trough the shadow of death and into the valley of peace,

on the mountain top, your train makes no stop,
but transforms into a golden train of glory,
revealing more than every teachers story,

with your heavenly attention, there is no more detention,
you will reach a new dimemsion,
you will become 1 with your love-train in your beautiful

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